How to Do Romanian Deadlift on Smith Machine

February 19, 2023

The Romanian deadlift, or RDL, is one of those fitness moves that sounds scary – but it’s a great way to build muscle and gain strength. Done right, it’s a full-body exercise that works your hamstrings, glutes, and core in one motion.

The Romanian deadlift can be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or a broomstick (a one-legged version) and it’s one of our favorite Smith machine exercises for building strength.


When performing a Romanian deadlift on a blacksmith machine, using proper form is crucial. This will help you avoid injury and maximize muscle growth.

Studies show that the Romanian deadlift is one of the best exercises for developing the hamstring and hip muscles. It also strengthens spinal erectors and lats.

However, to get the most out of your hamstrings and glutes, you must do it right. In this article, I will show you the right way to do a Romanian Deadlift on your blacksmith machine.

The most important thing to remember when doing Romanian deadlifts on a blacksmith machine is to stand up straight with your feet hip distance apart. Hinge your hips to pull the bar up while keeping your chest and core tense.


Smith Machine Romanian deadlift is an excellent exercise for building hamstring and lower back strength. It’s easier on the joints than squatting with a regular barbell and helps you avoid injury while increasing your muscle mass.

There are a few important points to keep in mind when loading your blacksmith machine into the Romanian deadlift:

First, make sure that the bar path on the blacksmith machine is vertical and does not allow you to move it elsewhere during the lift. This will keep your body aligned and help you lift the bar more effectively.

Second, says Pak, you need to train your stabilizer muscles to work with your bigger, stronger muscles during a deadlift. This is especially important when using a machine with an angled bar path, which limits your range of motion and can cause injury.

Research shows that exercises that focus on eccentric muscle movement, such as the smith machine Romanian deadlift, are highly effective in building muscle, especially in your hamstrings. They also work your muscles in a tense position, which promotes the development of new muscle growth.


Deadlift is a great muscle building exercise that can increase your strength and build lean muscle mass quickly.

While this exercise is a staple in the strengthening world, it can also be used by weight lifters who aren’t interested in competition. The Romanian deadlift can reduce the risk of injury by helping you strengthen your hamstrings without loading your back.

The Romanian deadlift is an excellent alternative to the barbell deadlift as it is a more stable movement.


The Romanian deadlift is one of the most powerful exercises for your back, glutes and hamstrings. It’s a must-do exercise in any strength training program, and it’s also a great exercise to include in your regular gym workouts.

But for beginners and lifters with a weaker posterior chain, it can be difficult to perform correctly. This can result in an ineffective and potentially dangerous workout.

A Smith machine version is easier to do and provides more stability, making the exercise safer and more effective for building muscle. It also allows you to load slightly heavier than a standard barbell Romanian deadlift, which can help improve hypertrophy.

You can also do this exercise with a barbell, which allows you to train with a wider range of motion. But either way, it’s important to warm up with a few sets before you start using heavy weights. These will lubricate the groove and accustom your muscles and joints to the demands of heavyweights.

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